4 Things Your Website Needs Convert Visitors Into Customers

visitors into customers

22 May 2017 4 Things Your Website Needs Convert Visitors Into Customers

Your website can rank number one on Google and get tens of thousands of visitors a day, but if you have not optimized your website to convert visitors into customers, there still is some work that needs to be done.

In order to determine what you need to change on your website it is necessary to analyze your website thoroughly. For example, try to find factors that may lead to high bounce rates. If you want to find out how you can generate more leads, there are 4 steps you can follow.

Site speed – This is not only a ranking factor in Google’s ranking algorithm, but also something that can make visitors leave in a split second. That one more second that visitors have to wait for your website to load can be crucial. People on the internet are not patient anymore. Making sure your website is as fast as possible is a very important step if you want to generate more leads.

Strong landing page – A landing page is something you want to measure and optimize regularly. If your landing page is not what people expect to see after clicking on one of your advertisements, your visitors might leave. This can be the result of a landing page not being in line with the message you are trying to send through your advertisements. You have to make sure your advertisements and landing pages represent the same brand and feeling.

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