5 Killer Ways To Repurpose Old Blog Content For More Traffic

repurpose blog content

26 Jun 2017 5 Killer Ways To Repurpose Old Blog Content For More Traffic

We see a lot of spin-offs and reboots on the TV and at the movies these days. This thinking can also be applied to your blog. Why not repurpose your old blog content when it can still be valuable?

If you think about it you can create content out of your already existing content. From a blog article called ‘5 Ways to Get the Most Beautiful Yard in the Neighborhood’,  ‘7 Tricks to Master PPC’ and ’21 Reasons Why The 90s Were The Best Decade Ever’, you can already create a decent amount of ‘spin-off content’. A lot of individual items in these lists can be used to write a new and full-length blog article.

There are more ways to repurpose your old blog content. You can create infographics or videos with the blog content you have already created in the past. Not only do you have content to work with, you are also recycling your old content for a different audience.

Creating an ebook is another effective way to reuse your old content. By putting together blog articles that fit together, you can easily create an ebook for your audience to download.

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