Ecommerce Trends to Expect in 2022

ecommerce 2022

26 Oct 2021 Ecommerce Trends to Expect in 2022

We’re fast approaching the final quarter of 2021; now it’s time to look ahead to 2022. The last two years have put a big spotlight on eCommerce, and we’re not expecting it to fade anytime soon. Let’s take a look at the top eCommerce trends we’re prepared to see next year:

Retail eCommerce sales will continue to increase

The growth in online sales can be attributed to the increasing ease and comfort of online shopping. The pandemic also compelled more consumers to purchase items online, including things they’d typically buy in-person, such as groceries.

Social Media Ecommerce

Social media will continue to influence eCommerce 

Currently, businesses can use social media to grow brand awareness and debut new products. As social media platforms gain more users and add new addictive features, the influence they exert will continue to increase and social commerce will gain popularity.

Customized packaging will become more popular

The packaging is an extension of the branding and contributes to the customer experience. In 2022, we’ll start to see packaging that goes the extra step through customized elements. Perhaps your company will start using eco-friendly materials or packing paper that matches your branding.

Mobile commerce will continue to increase 

Experts point to the increase in people owning and using a mobile device as proof that mobile commerce will increase in 2022.

Check more eCommerce trends, read full ManyChat article. 

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