31 Jan 2023 QUICK BITS JANUARY 2023
Welcome to our Quick Bits section! These are short custom-crafted pieces with practical tips and tricks and latest innovative news snippets.
Get inspired with these ideas for Valentine’s day!
- Run A Valentine’s Day Sale: Everyone LOVES a good sale or promotion. Offer customers a discount or run a 2-for-1 promotion to encourage gifting your partner to celebrate love.
- Promote Self Love: This concept is TRENDY! And in a positive context, it’s a great marketing opportunity.
3. Offer a Valentine’s Day Event: Celebrating this day has become a tradition. Depending on your business’ industry hosting an event to celebrate love among couples, friends, and/or family can be the hook you need.
Keep Reading More Ideas from Coschedule
From the “Black Mamba” himself, get your groove going with these 12 of Kobe Bryant’s most inspirational quotes.
“When you make a choice and say, ‘Come hell or high water, I am going to be this,’ then you should not be surprised when you are that. It should not be something that is intoxicating or out of character because you have seen this moment for so long that … when that moment comes, of course it is here because it has been here the whole time, because it has been [in your mind] the whole time.”
“The process of it [drives me to come back]. I want to see if I can. I don’t know if I can. I want to find out. I want to see. I’m going to do what I always do: I’m going to break it down to its smallest form, smallest detail, and go after it. Day by day, one day at a time.”
Read Full Business Insider Article
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