3 Tips for Managing Your Website


Hello fellow Website Owner! Feeling a little lost when it comes to managing your site? Have no fear, the CaribMedia team is here to get you on track with your website management!

We’ve compiled a list of 3 tips to help you manage your website in these digital times. Whether you’re a business owner who has a business website, or a blogger sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world, these tips are good to keep in mind when managing your website:

1. Stay Relevant with Your Content


Remove Old Content – Having outdated content on your website is a big no-no. For example, if your website specializes in events, and you have an event listed as ‘upcoming’ with dates set in April 2015, and it is currently 2019, you should remove it. This can potentially throw off site visitors into thinking your website is not up to date or a reliable source for information.

Update Existing Content – If there are changes in real life, update them in the digital world too. Your office moved, and/or you have new contact info? Then be sure to update the address and contact info on your website. Do you have a blog or content with data that is time-sensitive? Be sure to update these so that your site stays relevant.

Create and Add New Content – The best way for your website to stay relevant is by creating content that links up with the NOW. What’s currently going on in the world that you could create content from? Do you have a fashion blog, and New York Fashion Week is coming up? You could write a blog about your favorite show-watchers looks from last year, or highlight a participating designer for this year’s event.

Add Social Connections – Make sure to connect your social media accounts with your site! Some people add their social icons into their website’s navigation bar, while others prefer them in the footer. Either way, it is important to let your visitors be aware of your social media presence. You never know who might give you a follow! Also, making your content shareable via different social media platforms with ‘share buttons’ increases the chances of your content getting more exposure.

2. Take Technical Care of Your Site

Form Testing – Make sure to test all of the forms on your website, and frequently too. You wouldn’t want to miss an inquiry from a potential client or follower, because your form has a fixable glitch, or isn’t working properly.

Speed Testing – With the internet being flooded with what feels like an infinite amount of diverse websites, and humans having short attention spans, every second counts when it comes to your website’s speed. If your home page (and other pages on your website) take long to load, fix it. All it takes is just one extra second of waiting for someone to X out and move on to the next best option.

Responsive Website Design Testing – The amount of internet users who browse the web using a mobile device has drastically increased compared to the past. Cellphones are now competing with desktops for holding the #1 spot of internet user device preference. Not only that, but with tablets, versatile phone screen sizes, and even different web browsers being used, it is essential for your website to be responsive.

3. Watch Your Web Traffic with Google Analytics


Page Views – With Google Analytics you can get the numbers on how many internet users have visited your website. You can also review your website’s ‘Top Visited Pages’ and see how your ‘Main Menu Items’ are doing. This is a great way to know what pages are working, and which ones might need some attention.

Devices – Being able to get the data on your website visitors’ device preferences can be beneficial for you if you’re thinking about doing some creative marketing focused on specific devices. Knowing whether their using a desktop versus browsing on a mobile device, or tablet, gives you guidance too on what to prioritize when improving your site’s user experience.

Geo Watch – Get info on your website visitors’ geographical locations and language preferences to create more relevant and accessible content. If you find that, for example, all of a sudden your English-language website is getting lots of visits from Sweden, you can opt to add a Swedish language selection option that translates your content.

*Bonus Tip From the CaribMedia Team: Create a planning for your website management that includes a content calendar, maintenance and support scheduling, and monthly website analytics reporting.

Happy Clicking-and-Typing!


P.S. Just so you know we also provide website support for clients that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Website Content Updates
  • Monthly Form Testing
  • WordPress Updates
  • Plugin Upgrades
  • Speed Testing

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*See the definition for ‘Responsive Web Design’ here


Published on February 8th 2019. Written by Megan Rojer.

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