You’re probably asking yourself:
“Why should my business have a blog? – Isn’t it time consuming enough to run a company, let alone START A BUSINESS BLOG?!”
Truth is… You’re Right – Blogging can be time consuming, and just as with many other investments, maintaining a blog takes much effort and precision, but when done right, it can rank in a major ROI (*ROI = Return on Investment). A great quote to keep in mind when regarding blogging is one stated by American author, Robert Collier:
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
Blogging takes time: you have to schedule in time for picking topics, planning & scheduling, writing, editing, publishing, customer interaction follow ups, and these are but a few tasks involved in maintaining a blog.
Let’s not get discouraged though – the BENEFITS OF BLOGGING can definitely outweigh the time put into blogging preparation and execution.
Before we dive into WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A BUSINESS BLOG, let’s get the basics out of the way. The definition of SUCCESS IN BUSINESS varies by the individual that you ask.
Some say their success can be seen on their Profit and Loss Reports, while others might argue that their achievements lie within their consistently-returning, loyal customers that help keep their business going. Some say dollar bills, others say customer engagement. Whatever your definition for success may be, we can all agree that, More=More=More:
“The MORE LOYAL CUSTOMERS you have, the better your chances are at having BIGGER PROFITS, and creating more opportunity for GROWING YOUR BUSINESS.”
Blogs can be seen as a personable means of digital communication with prospects, where you can speak directly to hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously, while still allowing it to feel as though it is a one-on-one powwow session.
Not only that, blogs make room for informal interaction on a business level, where people can feel more comfortable and are less on edge, or defensive, in comparison to real-life encounters where there is an undeniable urge to always be on your A-GAME.
Moving forward, let’s get to the main motivation for your interest in this read: UNVEILING THE 3 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD START A BLOG FOR YOUR BUSINESS.
Blogs Drive Traffic to Your Website
YOUR WEBSITE IS YOUR PORTAL for interaction with prospective clients and/or future business partners. Just as you should take pride & joy in your website’s design, accessibility, and content, as this is A DIRECT-REFLECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS’ BRAND & IDENTITY, a blog can help create a deeper understanding of WHO YOU ARE as a business and what you represent.
Not-to-mention, blogging can also assist in setting the mood for what someone can expect if they were to do business with you.
First let’s clarify that ‘Web Traffic’ is completely different than ‘bumper-to-bumper car traffic.’ Lunch breaks and post-work rides home can often be accompanied with sighs and frustration, as many of us dread the congestion.
However when it comes to online traffic:
The more traffic means people care. The MORE PEOPLE CARE about your business, the BETTER YOUR CHANCES are that those individuals, and their connections (*wink wink*), will want to do business with you.
Build Better Client Relationships with Your Blog
Having a following of loyal customers is prime in succeeding in business. Creating content tailored specifically for your lovely followers is like being the ‘best-gift-giver’ and receiving a bunch of ‘Thank You’ notes with hidden Amazon Gift Cards.
our already-established customers will feel as though YOU CARE about them on a more complex level than just a CONSUMER and SELLER perspective.
BUILDING BETTER CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS via your business blog by catering to your preexisting clients will not only boost your business relationship, but will also make their perspective of your blooming business grow into a deeper connection and care for the well-being of your business.
You’d be surprised at the number of customers who have shared HELPFUL COMMENTARY with businesses due to the ease-of-access for engagement via blog comments and inquiries. Everything from website glitches and bugs that could have been overlooked by the techies, to content suggestions, to even approaching businesses with concerns about competitors stealing concepts or ideas, have been brought to the attention of CEOs thanks to their LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND THEIR CARE.
Blogs Don’t Have to Break the Bank, But They Can MAKE YOU BANK
Big-name software development company, HubSpot, said it best when defining blogging and its budget friendly ways of creating business opportunity:
“A low-cost way to create opportunities to get your website found by the people that you want to find it, so you can generate new leads and customers for your business.”
YOU’RE IN CHARGE OF YOUR BUSINESS BLOG – You regulate the costs of maintaining your blog. Creating content doesn’t have to cost much (if anything at all really), but time. Time is precious, but where it is well-invested, and where the likelihood of getting lifelong loyal customers are higher, it is well worth it.
*The CaribMedia Crew’s Tips for YOU:
CONTENT IS EVERYTHING, But That Doesn’t Mean it Has to Be Boring
It’s all about content – make sure whatever your creating and sharing is:
A) Accurate,
B) Relevant to your target market’s interests,
C) Entertaining, and/or
D) All of the above.
Also, CONSISTENCY IS KEY. Nobody is perfect, but try to keep your followings’ expectations up to par with your delivery, if you do decide to BLOG ON. This is an indirect way to tell prospects: “Hey, you can trust me – I am reliable.”
Creating an outlet for OPEN CONVERSATION WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS is just overall beneficial for your business.
Hearing the good, is well, always good. Hearing the bad can help you improve, and if your readers are interested enough, they’ll even TELL YOU what they want, or how you can improve, because they simply just like your business.
Remember: one real life ‘like’, and genuine interest in the well-being of your company’s content, can score you many word-of-mouth recommendations.
To end our insight on blogs and business, the team at CaribMedia encourages YOU to do the best for your business. Only you know what that truly means. However, let’s not ignore the facts that a BUSINESS BLOG CAN BE BENEFICIAL for your growth and success, if done right. On that note, we wish you the best of luck with your future business ventures!
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Published on January 26th 2018. Written by Megan Rojer.
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